Introduction: "The King's Game" is an enthralling short drama that delves into the lives of a group of young people as they become entangled in an ancient game of mystery and intrigue. On an ordinary night, five friends are invited to a gathering called "The King's Game," where the rules are simple but potentially dangerous: each person takes turns drawing role cards, becoming temporary kings or subjects, and the commands issued by the king must be obeyed without question. As the game progresses, the commands become increasingly absurd and extreme, forcing the participants to face moral and ethical dilemmas. What secrets lie behind this game? How will it affect the life trajectory of the participants? "The King's Game" is a profound work that explores themes of human nature, power, and responsibility, taking you on a thrilling journey of the soul.转学到远处高中的金泽伸明,由于在之前的学校经历过的某件事,而对于与同班同学亲密相处感到恐惧,封锁了自己的内心,但他以体育祭上的班级对抗接力赛为契机,开始和同学们变得融洽起来。 此时,同班同学全员的手机收到了一封自称为“国王”之人所发送的邮件。同班同学们认为这只是单纯的恶作剧而并没当回事,但只有伸明知道此事的含义,并对于要面对即将开始的“死亡”游戏感到内心纠葛……详情