This gripping short drama, "Violent Police Officer," tells the story of a police officer with a strong sense of justice who faces various criminal challenges while on duty. Fearless in the face of adversaries, he is always ready to move forward, sometimes employing excessively aggressive methods to achieve justice. Set against the backdrop of contemporary society, the drama showcases the struggle between the police and criminals, as well as the battle between good and evil. Amidst the intense plot, viewers can witness the brilliance of humanity and feel the bottom line of social morality. With its unique perspective and heart-rending storyline, "Violent Police Officer" allows audiences to ponder legal and moral issues in real life while enjoying the drama.冷血杀手专杀嫖客,将受害者的下体割去。负责调查的古Sir毫无头绪,马夫金大班亦追查此事。警署食堂员工亚毛是虔诚教徒,遇上一伴唱女郎,惊为天人,露出可怖身份。详情
西尔维斯特·史泰龙,斯科特·伊斯特伍德,薇拉·菲茨杰拉德,麦克·柯尔特,D·W·莫菲特,Anton Narinskiy,伊斯·巴尔韦德,Joel Cohen,La Monde Byrd,Patrick Millin,莱斯利·艾米特,Bret Aaron Knower,Beau Bommarito,Kevin W. Shiveley,John W. Harden,John E. Brownlee,Derek Polen