The "Bad President" is a satirical and humorous short play that depicts the absurd actions of a character named "Bad President" on the political stage. This president is ostensibly handsome and eloquent, but in reality, he is cunning and absurd. In the short drama, he uses power to manipulate elections, mislead the public, and even sacrifice the country's interests to achieve personal goals. However, as the plot develops, the bad president's various misdeeds are gradually exposed to the light of day, and the audience reflects on the abuse of political power and the decline of social morality amid laughter. This short drama, in a relaxed and humorous manner, lets the audience think about real issues in entertainment, triggering people's deep thinking about politics, human nature, and social justice.唐纳德·特朗普是如何当选美国总统的?本部黑色幽默影片将解答自2016年11月8日起困惑美国及世界多年的这个疑问。详情