"True Love with a Hidden Agenda" is a short drama filled with emotional twists and exploration of human nature. The story revolves around the unexpected encounter between the female protagonist, Lin Xiao, and the male protagonist, Zhang Han, which leads them to fall in love. However, as time goes by, Lin Xiao discovers that Zhang Han has a secret hidden behind his seemingly perfect facade. Amidst the trials of love and trust, Lin Xiao delves into the truth of Zhang Han's real identity, uncovering layers of mystery and ultimately realizing that his so-called "hidden agenda" is actually a deep love for her. This drama, through a series of heart-wrenching plotlines, showcases the loyalty, trust, and sacrifice in love, prompting viewers to ponder.一对爱管闲事的老太太为各自长大成人的孙子孙女设计了一出浪漫邂逅的戏码,青梅竹马的暗恋与曾经的拌嘴吵闹就此复燃。详情